Motivational Speaker.

Motivational Speaker.

Lois Nangudi

Something about me and my ministry passion, is to see the nations bow down and say holy is The Lord God almighty. We are all called to worship i believe that worship is more than song and music. it is the way we live our life. None of us has got
all life figured out and that is the beauty.It is in the broken paths that we are shaped into true worshipers as we experience grace that causes us to truly bow and reverence God. This is not just for Uganda but for the entire world.
All that I know to say is yes Lord, send me wherever you want me to go. My calling is beyond any country's boundary. Results of True worship is justice for all. Empowering the poor and giving them the power to soar into who God intended for each one of them in His bigger story of creation.
Jeremiah 29:11, prov. 3:5-6, prov. 31:8-9, Ez. 22:30

31 May 2014


Gratitude to all that showed grace
When you go hunting it’s very important to know the kind of animal you are hunting for or else you will come back with nothing. Lolo needed to know where the real problem was in order to deal with it completely.
Every little girl is her dad’s princess. She gets the little goodies and big hugs from her daddy kisses on her face as she giggles away. Flung into the air and loved on making the world the best place to be. Every child and every little girl loves that.
Lolo is born to a family of 8 she is a middle child of seven and one adopted boy. She knows her dad loves her, it’s just that she has never seen him actually smile and play. Every time she run to him to ask for milk or a dress her dad said, “I don’t have the money”
Lolo’s family woke up every morning to pray and went to bed praying thanking God for the food that miraculously showed up and believing God for the next day’s meals. Her family always fasted one day a week because without God they would starve and fall sick. They depended on God for literally everything.
The eight children believed that God provided for all their needs and got used to the answer of No and “I don’t have the money” which was true from a loving father that took care of his children to the best of his ability. Her father had a worse background, her grandmother was into witchcraft to the extent that her dad had to move to another relatives home to live.
It was then ingrained in her that you cannot ask for help for anything because the answer is obviously no or cannot afford it. As a little girl she learned that life cannot give her things she needed. This lie grew within lolo even to her older age and she dreaded asking for help since the answer was obvious. Whenever she needed to deal with details, she assumed people’s faces saying I cannot, I cannot afford it. Hopelessness in need screamed at her.
“How long will this go for?” It was exhausting then she learned to overcome her greatest fear. God graciously taught her that it’s ok to let people know your need and ask them to help because when you don’t, its pride and no one can exist on the earth without other people. God brought into her life that showed grace and patience although they found this quite wired, they could never figure out why lolo didn’t quickly ask for help. She always said, hate of detail is more the fear of re leaving her dad’s expressions and inability to help. When someone is your hero its had to look into their faces and see hopelessness.

People will not always say yes and that is ok, it’s a training Lolo has to go through. 

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