Motivational Speaker.

Motivational Speaker.

Lois Nangudi

Something about me and my ministry passion, is to see the nations bow down and say holy is The Lord God almighty. We are all called to worship i believe that worship is more than song and music. it is the way we live our life. None of us has got
all life figured out and that is the beauty.It is in the broken paths that we are shaped into true worshipers as we experience grace that causes us to truly bow and reverence God. This is not just for Uganda but for the entire world.
All that I know to say is yes Lord, send me wherever you want me to go. My calling is beyond any country's boundary. Results of True worship is justice for all. Empowering the poor and giving them the power to soar into who God intended for each one of them in His bigger story of creation.
Jeremiah 29:11, prov. 3:5-6, prov. 31:8-9, Ez. 22:30

31 May 2014


Gratitude to all that showed grace
When you go hunting it’s very important to know the kind of animal you are hunting for or else you will come back with nothing. Lolo needed to know where the real problem was in order to deal with it completely.
Every little girl is her dad’s princess. She gets the little goodies and big hugs from her daddy kisses on her face as she giggles away. Flung into the air and loved on making the world the best place to be. Every child and every little girl loves that.
Lolo is born to a family of 8 she is a middle child of seven and one adopted boy. She knows her dad loves her, it’s just that she has never seen him actually smile and play. Every time she run to him to ask for milk or a dress her dad said, “I don’t have the money”
Lolo’s family woke up every morning to pray and went to bed praying thanking God for the food that miraculously showed up and believing God for the next day’s meals. Her family always fasted one day a week because without God they would starve and fall sick. They depended on God for literally everything.
The eight children believed that God provided for all their needs and got used to the answer of No and “I don’t have the money” which was true from a loving father that took care of his children to the best of his ability. Her father had a worse background, her grandmother was into witchcraft to the extent that her dad had to move to another relatives home to live.
It was then ingrained in her that you cannot ask for help for anything because the answer is obviously no or cannot afford it. As a little girl she learned that life cannot give her things she needed. This lie grew within lolo even to her older age and she dreaded asking for help since the answer was obvious. Whenever she needed to deal with details, she assumed people’s faces saying I cannot, I cannot afford it. Hopelessness in need screamed at her.
“How long will this go for?” It was exhausting then she learned to overcome her greatest fear. God graciously taught her that it’s ok to let people know your need and ask them to help because when you don’t, its pride and no one can exist on the earth without other people. God brought into her life that showed grace and patience although they found this quite wired, they could never figure out why lolo didn’t quickly ask for help. She always said, hate of detail is more the fear of re leaving her dad’s expressions and inability to help. When someone is your hero its had to look into their faces and see hopelessness.

People will not always say yes and that is ok, it’s a training Lolo has to go through. 


Grateful for all that been Christ and opened lolo's eyes to asking for help.
When you go hunting it’s very important to know the kind of animal you are hunting for or else you will come back with nothing. Lolo needed to know where the real problem was in order to deal with it completely.

Every little girl is her dad’s princess. She gets the little goodies and big hugs from her daddy kisses on her face as she giggles away. Flung into the air and loved on making the world the best place to be. Every child and every little girl loves that.

Lolo is born to a family of 8 she is a middle child of seven and one adopted boy. She knows her dad loves her, it’s just that she has never seen him actually smile and play. Every time she run to him to ask for milk or a dress her dad said, “I don’t have the money”

Lolo’s family woke up every morning to pray and went to bed praying thanking God for the food that miraculously showed up and believing God for the next day’s meals. Her family always fasted one day a week because without God they would starve and fall sick. They depended on God for literally everything.
The eight children believed that God provided for all their needs and got used to the answer of No and “I don’t have the money” which was true from a loving father that took care of his children to the best of his ability. Her father had a worse background, her grandmother was into witchcraft to the extent that her dad had to move to another relatives home to live.

It was then ingrained in her that you cannot ask for help for anything because the answer is obviously no or cannot afford it. As a little girl she learned that life cannot give her things she needed. This lie grew within lolo even to her older age and she dreaded asking for help since the answer was obvious. Whenever she needed to deal with details, she assumed people’s faces saying I cannot, I cannot afford it. Hopelessness in need screamed at her.

“How long will this go for?” It was exhausting then she learned to overcome her greatest fear. God graciously taught her that it’s ok to let people know your need and ask them to help because when you don’t, its pride and no one can exist on the earth without other people. God brought into her life that showed grace and patience although they found this quite wired, they could never figure out why lolo didn’t quickly ask for help. She always said, hate of detail is more the fear of re leaving her dad’s expressions and inability to help. When someone is your hero its had to look into their faces and see hopelessness.

People will not always say yes and that is ok, it’s a training Lolo has to go through. 

22 May 2014


Don't 'laugh' because all that have laughed have been shocked and their laugh shortened.
For those that have the hand of God on their life and follow Christ, may seem crazy,  confused and an amusement to many. But keep watch or else you will eat your own scorn

No matter how much you achieve or accomplish there will always be people laughing at you and thinking you are too weak and incapable. It's fine to let them go. Surround yourself with truth from God's word and  people that point out your strengths and are willing to give their time, resources and strength to compliment you in obeying Christ.

Every time you are on the top of a mountain their is a mockery laugh right at your back careful that you don't loose focus. Ignore the laugh and lie no matter how loud it is. God believes in you and there are other people who believe in what God has for you, so don't let a few people that think you cannot make it, control your destiny. When you see such signs It's time to make a jump of faith. Not to prove that you can but it's always good to keep moving!

30 April 2014


Why do we think like this? Well i have come to realize that 'there' is not as for sure as here is.
How many many opportunities have we missed to look into the eyes of a child, youth, mother and see their pain and say. Jesus knows your pain or even ask how can i pray for you? Stop just for 30 seconds it will count for eternity. its worth it. you will know when you get back to heaven some day. Real ministry is right in front of you now. Just stop and take time to look at it. its here and now not over there. "God Samaritan story"

We live day to day lives aware that God has a plan for our lives like Jeremiah 29:11 says.
We spend sleepless nights planning, making calls and having meetings for our next steps in life.
Yet we forget to enjoy the people, places and opportunities right in front of us.
'Enjoy' does not mean to look at today in view of tomorrow in this instance,  by enjoy ministry today I mean taking the people we meet today as divine appointments from God. No body we meet is a mistake it was pre- determined by God even before we were born. He says i planned out every day of your life and so we need to live every moment to its fullest unto God. when we enjoy these opportunities, we bring God absolute glory.

As i tour North America and are at a different church , a different host home and bed every Friday. I have learned to serve and love like there is no tomorrow. This may be the only opportunity i have with a child, youth, woman or worship experience and if i don't do it to my best unto the Lord there is no grantee for tomorrow. Even if i lived, i may never see the people i meet today so serving God and taking every person as a divine appointment is the best way to go.

Like papa Wess Starford says in his book "just a minute" we can change the life of a child in happy heart city  or base camp, youth and during the services in just a minute. we never loose time with people if we still have one minute left. Even now we have a minute to change destiny. As long as you have a minute you have eternity in your hands.

So l have decided, i will give it my all today and tomorrow belongs to God.
Ministry is here and not out there today. I live today to the fullest unto God.

23 January 2014

Is this verse in the bible?

Is this in the bible?

John 5:39-40
39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me ...
So many people are so sick spiritually and it's manifested physically.
But it's easy for us to believe the psychologist when they say your emotional state affects your physical yet we run away from the reality of how sick our spiritual life is and how that is affecting us day after day from choices to even health, name it... We have chosen ways that are so far away from God and believed that as better.

The state of sickness in people's spiritual lives cannot be replaced by anything. But God.
John 5:39-40
39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

Their spirit man yarns for God. We talk of decades and years back when God moved mightily as though He is dead today. God is Alive.

Have you dared to call him in a desperate way. Or have we replaced Him with something else? To an extent that we don't know who He really is yet we claim we do. We have rejected His power and replaced His power with desire for knowledge and man has become his own god. No one lives without being under some kind of influence. What influences your life is it God and His power? or...

This time is not independent of times past when they had the Torah and God Spoke in an audible voice yet man went his own way. God din't come to abolish the Old Testament, He came to fulfill it. If we read the Bible page to page we shall see the consistence.

1 Samuel 3 The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.
But there is Hope. It is just a call away, a prayer away, a surrender away

21 January 2014

Why is intimacy and intercession in church today dead?

The hurry to fix things is death to intercession and intimacy with God.

The power of intercession lies in trust worthiness- the ability to see or know the depths from God's perspective and keeping it the secret. Until He desires to lay it in the open. At times he may never. At times it's just a call to pray not to act.

Intercession has become hard lately because many prayer worriers take pride in knowing the secret things and wanting to share with people or even disqualify those God is calling them to pray for. The hurry to fix things is death to intercession and intimacy with God.

When God cannot trust you with the deep things that are seen only when we get intimate with Him, then you cannot be in His office - He sits at the right hand of the father interceding for us day and night. He hires intercessors. We claim the office as a title but He qualifies. The greatest quality is your ability to see man through His eyes no mater what He shows you.

To love those around you even when he opens their lives before you. You don't have to tell them, it's a call to prayer not to fix things. But also to be ready just incase he says now is the time to fix it then you open your mouth

09 January 2014


What are we doing? Have we got so busy in creating boundaries in teaching and doctrine and forgotten to live? What happened to us? Where did we fall? Is it possible that we can return to the place we fell and rise up again?  Have we become so knowledgable that we choose to ignore the power of the triune God and His ability to give life to the his word. What are we doing trying to help Him. What if we just obeyed? What if we just followed? I know we want to make sure it is safe and we shall not be hurt. We want to make sure that this journey will have a happy ending and be a happy one. But is that what the gospel is all about? Did He not promise hardship, sacrifice, pain and yet joy that passes understanding? Why are hearts not changing? I don't men those outside the church? I am concerned about us as a body the rest will come if we live for who we TRUELY are.  Should the gospel massage not have the power to change me and you? Should the gospel massage not have life? Why are we neither hot or cold? How will the world know that we are true followers if we don't love each other and those less privileged? How will the world see a difference if we don't live different? Why do we love to fit in? We are not called to merely fit in but to be representatives of the most high.
What happened to our identity? Who blurred the church? What identifies you? Is it your job, marriage, children or academics? Why not God? What do you describe as true success? What do you want to be remembered for when you die? And finally before the throne of God what will you say you lived for? Someone has to ask these questions and I will.

Millions of people are living daily in slavery and poverty today and are wondering where God is or if he hears them. Gary Haugen  (CEO IJM) asks the question of where are the people of God not where is God. I have the same question.  What happened to right and wrong? Why is there no moral clarity today? 
Scott C Todd ( founder of Isaiah 58) says that the end of extreme poverty is possible when the church rises up and begins to be the church. But what are we doing? Opening one organization after another and evading running away from abiding in God so he can change us. What if the church lived? What if the church could rise up in this generation? What if there was true brokenness and less self protection. What of we totally obeyed? 

So what are we doing, where is Love for the things that break God's heart? Are we just going to play church and go through the motions and sing the songs of "break my heart for what breaks yours" but close our hearts to pain and protect ourselves? What are we doing? Who are we?
We have to wake up and ask these questions.

I have seen hard things in this world at my young age told people some of these things but their hearts are so numb to compassion and moral clarity. Everyone protecting their own and few ready to be broken by God. I know it is scary, I get scared to sometimes when I have to follow God. But how long is the body of Christ going to behave like grasshoppers. When shall we see ourselves for the great army that we are? We have to make sacrifices, great sacrifices at that. It may mean to abandon your comfort, your luxury. "You begin to live  and bear fruit when you die." Dr. Thrasher ( prof at Moody Theological seminary for 32 years).
We have to start somewhere church. What shall we say about all this before the throne room? That I    was scared of criticism? Or that I couldn't speak or write? Or shall we say that we were so busy      taking care of family and loving those close to us " Family should be a mission force and not an idol." Dr.Thrasher. Are we making our hearts to small to accommodate only those we see each day at our dinning tables and forgetting those crying out to God? Mark 3:31-35 Then Jesus' mother and brothers came. They stood outside and sent a person in   
to tell Jesus to come out. Many people were sitting around Jesus. They said to him, "Your mother and brothers are waiting for you outside." Jesus asked, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" Then Jesus looked at those people sitting around him. He said, "These people are my mother and my 
brothers! My true brother and sister and mother are those people that do the things God wants." 

Church, it's our time. Are we so blind that we cannot see and too deaf to hear the call? Look at the numbers that gathered in 2013 passion conference, look at the numbers with IJM, Compassion International and Isaiah 58 to mention but a few. All these cried out to us as a body of Christ. The question is where is the church and the solution is the church.

We have to start some where. The hope is that there are remnants. Those that have not defiled their eyes or ears. Those that God has kept for Himself since birth. Those he talks about in Rom 8, Jeremiah 1:5, Deut. 14:2 and Jeremiah 29:11, John 15:16, God has never left creation with no witness and he is not about to. 
So arise or you army of The Lord and die so you can live for the purpose to which you have been called. Begin to shine for The Lord has heard the cry of those in need and slavery and he is waiting for you to go. He is waiting for you, don't think that you are waiting for Him. You are busy trying to let go and dye. Make up your mind and get to work for the mater is waiting. 

Yes church you can do it, you just need to believe, trust His heart and let go of what you are holding on to. It all comes down to trust and belief. Hebrews 11. 
For slavery and poverty to end in this generation. It has to all start in the church returning to God in total surrender. Many have spoken and showed videos and documentaries but the church is in deep sleep. Someone has to shake the boat and wake us up that our bones will burn like Jeremiah's. that we shall stop living for less and criticism and begin to live. 

I think  

06 January 2014

I thought snow came from the ground not the sky...

I prayed for you today

I wept and still my spirit groans within me. Oh how I wish you saw and felt the depth of my intercession for you.

Your sins are washed as white as snow. In 2010 I saw my first snow. In Uganda While I was reading my bible, I read about snow in relation to cleansing. I prayed and dreamt that one day I will see how white snow is that the bible would choose to use it in comparison to how we look like when we are 

washed by the blood of Jesus. As I left my class in Moody Seminary in Chicago during my first winter experience in 2010, I touched my first snow. It was not a lot on the ground so I slowly 
motioned my hand onto someone's car and touched my first snow. You should have seen my eyes. I 
already have big eyes but they were even bigger. I thought snow came from the ground as it froze in cold but it came down like rain.
My heart swelled within me, my countenance light up I was filled with joy and looked my friend in the eyes and said, " this is what the bible means when it says our sins are washed as 
white as snow."
It was a dream come true. I love Jesus He answers our childlike prayers too !

A few days later it was dirty again. Isn't that just like you and I. We fall again and again but we are washed again and again. Just as the snow season is constant so is the blood. Oh America 

be washed heavily this season. May you realize that the blood covers multitudes of your wrong.
Just as snow covers the ground remember his blood covers your sin, it's finished. Snow may melt away but Jesus' blood was poured once and for all. Snow may get dirty again just like our lives. But it snows again. The season is consistent and so is God's faithfulness to us. 
His character is not 
determined by what we do but by who He is. I wish you and I would realize God's love through His 
eyes and not through our eyes.

I wept for you, that you will use this snowed in time to stop and get together as a family and pray. That this time will be a time of reconciliation as a family. A time were relationships are restored and wounds are healed. As many cannot leave home, may you have conversations started. I pray that you will find the boldness to talk about your fears and struggles and let others come along side you. 

I prayed for a healthy family time. It all starts in the home. Not in the church or school or government. When you fail in the family you fail in the public arenas too. Oh my heart weeps within me for us as a nation and world.

Oh I pray that alters of prayer will be started in every home. I pray that men will return to their creator. I pray that this time will be a time when men, families and the nation will hunger more for God. Huddle in prayer circles behind closed door.

I cried out to God on your behalf that you will not be bored in prayer or get busy on your phone but that you and I will will find this time when office is closed to pray. My heart weeps and groans for you that you will hear God calling you and stopping you to pray as a region and a nation. Oh God cause us to pray give us a motivation and a delight to talk to you. May we enjoy you more than we enjoy things that have replaced intimacy.