Motivational Speaker.

Motivational Speaker.

Lois Nangudi

Something about me and my ministry passion, is to see the nations bow down and say holy is The Lord God almighty. We are all called to worship i believe that worship is more than song and music. it is the way we live our life. None of us has got
all life figured out and that is the beauty.It is in the broken paths that we are shaped into true worshipers as we experience grace that causes us to truly bow and reverence God. This is not just for Uganda but for the entire world.
All that I know to say is yes Lord, send me wherever you want me to go. My calling is beyond any country's boundary. Results of True worship is justice for all. Empowering the poor and giving them the power to soar into who God intended for each one of them in His bigger story of creation.
Jeremiah 29:11, prov. 3:5-6, prov. 31:8-9, Ez. 22:30

21 January 2014

Why is intimacy and intercession in church today dead?

The hurry to fix things is death to intercession and intimacy with God.

The power of intercession lies in trust worthiness- the ability to see or know the depths from God's perspective and keeping it the secret. Until He desires to lay it in the open. At times he may never. At times it's just a call to pray not to act.

Intercession has become hard lately because many prayer worriers take pride in knowing the secret things and wanting to share with people or even disqualify those God is calling them to pray for. The hurry to fix things is death to intercession and intimacy with God.

When God cannot trust you with the deep things that are seen only when we get intimate with Him, then you cannot be in His office - He sits at the right hand of the father interceding for us day and night. He hires intercessors. We claim the office as a title but He qualifies. The greatest quality is your ability to see man through His eyes no mater what He shows you.

To love those around you even when he opens their lives before you. You don't have to tell them, it's a call to prayer not to fix things. But also to be ready just incase he says now is the time to fix it then you open your mouth

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