Motivational Speaker.

Motivational Speaker.

Lois Nangudi

Something about me and my ministry passion, is to see the nations bow down and say holy is The Lord God almighty. We are all called to worship i believe that worship is more than song and music. it is the way we live our life. None of us has got
all life figured out and that is the beauty.It is in the broken paths that we are shaped into true worshipers as we experience grace that causes us to truly bow and reverence God. This is not just for Uganda but for the entire world.
All that I know to say is yes Lord, send me wherever you want me to go. My calling is beyond any country's boundary. Results of True worship is justice for all. Empowering the poor and giving them the power to soar into who God intended for each one of them in His bigger story of creation.
Jeremiah 29:11, prov. 3:5-6, prov. 31:8-9, Ez. 22:30

06 January 2014

I thought snow came from the ground not the sky...

I prayed for you today

I wept and still my spirit groans within me. Oh how I wish you saw and felt the depth of my intercession for you.

Your sins are washed as white as snow. In 2010 I saw my first snow. In Uganda While I was reading my bible, I read about snow in relation to cleansing. I prayed and dreamt that one day I will see how white snow is that the bible would choose to use it in comparison to how we look like when we are 

washed by the blood of Jesus. As I left my class in Moody Seminary in Chicago during my first winter experience in 2010, I touched my first snow. It was not a lot on the ground so I slowly 
motioned my hand onto someone's car and touched my first snow. You should have seen my eyes. I 
already have big eyes but they were even bigger. I thought snow came from the ground as it froze in cold but it came down like rain.
My heart swelled within me, my countenance light up I was filled with joy and looked my friend in the eyes and said, " this is what the bible means when it says our sins are washed as 
white as snow."
It was a dream come true. I love Jesus He answers our childlike prayers too !

A few days later it was dirty again. Isn't that just like you and I. We fall again and again but we are washed again and again. Just as the snow season is constant so is the blood. Oh America 

be washed heavily this season. May you realize that the blood covers multitudes of your wrong.
Just as snow covers the ground remember his blood covers your sin, it's finished. Snow may melt away but Jesus' blood was poured once and for all. Snow may get dirty again just like our lives. But it snows again. The season is consistent and so is God's faithfulness to us. 
His character is not 
determined by what we do but by who He is. I wish you and I would realize God's love through His 
eyes and not through our eyes.

I wept for you, that you will use this snowed in time to stop and get together as a family and pray. That this time will be a time of reconciliation as a family. A time were relationships are restored and wounds are healed. As many cannot leave home, may you have conversations started. I pray that you will find the boldness to talk about your fears and struggles and let others come along side you. 

I prayed for a healthy family time. It all starts in the home. Not in the church or school or government. When you fail in the family you fail in the public arenas too. Oh my heart weeps within me for us as a nation and world.

Oh I pray that alters of prayer will be started in every home. I pray that men will return to their creator. I pray that this time will be a time when men, families and the nation will hunger more for God. Huddle in prayer circles behind closed door.

I cried out to God on your behalf that you will not be bored in prayer or get busy on your phone but that you and I will will find this time when office is closed to pray. My heart weeps and groans for you that you will hear God calling you and stopping you to pray as a region and a nation. Oh God cause us to pray give us a motivation and a delight to talk to you. May we enjoy you more than we enjoy things that have replaced intimacy.

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